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Showing posts from 2009

Let's do it

Terminando el 2009 (y además la primera década del siglo XXI) queremos recordar la importancia de cerrar el año ,  revisando los logros y los fracasos, decidiendo lo que queremos ser o hacer y lo que no y escribiendo las metas para el año 2010. Los invito a seguir los enlaces a posts previos que dan algunas ideas sobre el cómo hacerlo para, con nuestro plan de acción, entrar al 2010 del lado positivo. A veces sin embargo, no nos es muy sencillo ubicarnos del lado positivo y a pesar de todo lo que nos señala nuestra racionalidad, seguimos sintiéndonos solos, culpables, sin ánimo, sin sueño(s),  con poco valor y ninguna autoestima. Es posible, en estos casos, que necesitemos ayuda profesional pero nos negamos a aceptarlo. De la misma manera que cuando tenemos una gripe muy fuerte no dudaríamos en visitar al médico, debería ser cuando padecemos una enfermedad mental. Más aún, lo mismo que esperamos de nosotros mismos cuando tenemos una enfermedad muy fuerte, debería ser cuando...

Susan Boyle

Que tremenda fuente de inspiración para todos, esta extraordinaria mujer de West Lothian, Reino Unido, de 47 años, desempleada, no muy agraciada físicamente, con problemas de aprendizaje pero que cuando canta I dreamed a d ream de Les Miserables en el show Britain's Got Talent , es capaz de hacer que se nos salten las lágrimas. Ella nos recuerda que todo es posible, que el cielo es el límite y que todos tenemos algo valioso que dar. Gracias Susan Boyle. Enlace:

MUVE 5. Ideas for a successful practice in virtual worlds

As part of the MUVE's course, we had to do a brief research regarding active and other learning approaches in Virtual Worlds . I chose Symposia as my subject and one of the suggestion was to interview one "practitioner", someone with experience in the subject looking for valuable insights. I guess I was lucky to find one not only with the knowledge but also with the enthusiasm and willingness to share. I interviewed prof. Virginia (Vee) Kuhn organizer of Computer & Writing 2009 : ubiquous and sustainable computing I've posed her 4 questions. In my opinion, she gives valuable insight and ideas about virtual Symposia. The interview went as follows: 1. What were the main difficulties you had with the organization of the event? I think one of the main challenges lies in timing a synchronous event that takes place in geographically distant places--the change in time presents a challenge for scheduling both the event itself as well as the individual presenters. ...

MUVE 4. Reflections

As another of the activities of the MUVEnation course one, as a group, was supposed to create a travel guide for some places of common interest in Second Life. Then some reflections on the collaboration process were due. Some helping questions where: Was it easy to define objectives and criteria? How did you distribute the work? How did you feel about your own particpation? How did you feel about other participation? Where there any problems, or misunderstandings? Here are my reflections: " Collaboration is not easy. We often merely cooperate, distributing sections of a task rather than working together on the whole ". Taken from the activity's overview . And we were no exception. Even though I'm happy with the results in our group, by far the most participative, I guess we stuck to the "distributing" approach rather than really collaborating. One of the reason might be the lack of " know how ". In fact chances are that in "building" the...