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MUVE 4. Reflections

As another of the activities of the MUVEnation course one, as a group, was supposed to create a travel guide for some places of common interest in Second Life. Then some reflections on the collaboration process were due.

Some helping questions where:
  • Was it easy to define objectives and criteria?
  • How did you distribute the work?
  • How did you feel about your own particpation?
  • How did you feel about other participation?
  • Where there any problems, or misunderstandings?
Here are my reflections:

"Collaboration is not easy. We often merely cooperate, distributing sections of a task rather than working together on the whole". Taken from the activity's overview.

And we were no exception. Even though I'm happy with the results in our group, by far the most participative, I guess we stuck to the "distributing" approach rather than really collaborating.
One of the reason might be the lack of "know how". In fact chances are that in "building" the travel guide "prim" we could all had collaborated but neither one of us (in group 2.5) knew how to edit other's prims. I agree with Tere (other member of the team) that there are task better suited for cooperation (distribution of chores), such as finding interesting places, and other for cooperation (working together), such as building a travel guide booth, but yet probably we could have done better in the cooperation side.
Yet we had very good reflection (thinking) meetings (in SL) where the group gathered for exchanging ideas and building consensus and had also a very good collaborative work at the Wiki page.

Regarding objectives and criteria, it was really easy since we decided to work on each one of us particular interests, i.e., to work not just in one travel guide but in several ones (one for each of us). As a consequence, distribution of work was also easy since everybody was doing more or less the same but on different subjects.

Regarding my participation, even though it took me a couple of day to start (I had a two day delay at the beginning) I guess I could complete almost all activities and advocate for the success of the group as a team.

I don't want to elaborate on other members of the team participation. I am very happy with the results, with the exchanges we had, with the postings at the forum. And, if I were to suggest for the better, I would have loved to have more "inworld" reunions but I "reckon" that the time of the year (Christmas) did not help much.

There were no problems or misunderstandings whatsoever and, as I mentioned before, I'm very happy with the group's work.


I was really impressed by what this group achieved, I think that you did work well together.
I feel you have so many skills now that you are ready for many more challenges.

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